Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sorry...I quit.

Sooo...I'm giving tumblr a try! See ya!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

It's been forever and 5 days

Forever and 5 days since my last blog.

Not much has happened between now and then...I've just been a crazy workaholic. I'm not quite sure what possesses me to work so much, but eh, whatev. So I guess I'll just write about a lot of random things in this blog, as they pop into my head.

At the beginning of the summer, my original plan was to quit my 2nd job at Tsunami and keep my day job. But then I took a good look at my school schedule for the fall and realized that all my classes were during the day. So I ended up putting in my 2 weeks notice for my day job, and Tsunami would officially take over my life. BUT...yet another change of plans. I will keep my first job and work on Fridays for now, and work at Tsunami at night. I like options :)

OH-I TURNED 21 LAST WEEK!!!! People make this a much bigger event than I think it really is haha. I dunno...maybe it's just that I'm starting to catch up with the age I feel? LOL. To celebrate, on the actual day I went to work haha. Then dinner at Carabbas with my family at night. Friday night I hung out with Michelle and some friends at Tsunami since the DJ was there. Then Saturday I had a little shindig at mi casa. Any opportunity to surround myself with those I love :)

I found out I have to have surgery on my foot :( DISCLAIMER: I'm about to be REALLY open here haha. I've had bunions on my feet ever since I can remember. But now that I'm back to waiting tables, it's been bothering me SERIOUSLY bad. I mean....I couldn't even wear any of my heels! And worse than that...I wasn't even in the mood to go shoe shopping...WTH?! So I finally went to the podiatrist, and he didn't think it was so bad until he saw my X-Rays. He said I have to have surgery on my left foot. The thing that sucks is that I don't know when I can do it. The surgery will require me to be off my feet for 4-10 weeks. And, UM, that's a long time! So for now, I'll be getting cortisone shots to ease the pain. And I guess the surgery will have to wait till I graduate.

I went to the dentist today...and I need my wisdom teeth taken out =(. They're growing in sideways and if I don't get them taken out sometime in the near future they'll start messing up my perfectly straight teeth. grrr. And plus I wanna get it done while I'm still under my parents' insurance =P. But looks like there goes my savings!

I'm saving up to move.

My newest addiction is getting pedicures with cute little bejeweled designs hahaha.

I bought a new bedset today. Pink and brown comforter with vintage patterened sheets =)

I bought 3 pairs of flats from Kohl's since heels hurt my feet and I needed new shoes...and they were on sale.

I need to stop shopping.

I've made a new friend from work. It's a very interesting and dynamic friendship that doesn't make sense, but for some reason we have a lot to talk about....when we're not arguing about something that is, haha.

One week from today, I will begin my senior year of college! *woot woot*

Starting today, I took off an entire week from work. I need to recharge before school starts. I am going to be utterly lazy and useless, and love every minute of it =)

This Sunday, I'm going with Jeffrey and his family to Atlanta to help them drive. It's going be just a one-day, completely exhausting trip, but at least I'll get to say bye to Jeff and see some friends :). It always sucks when Jeff goes back to school though...

My heart is so open. And I love that little butterfly feeling I've been getting from time to time lately. It makes me wonder... ^_^

Okay...It's getting kinda late and I've run out of random interjections. Guess I'll check back in once school starts?

Love with all your might =)

Monday, June 22, 2009

More Than Anyone

You need a friend;
I'll be around.
Don't let this end
before I see you again.
What can I say to convince you
to change your mind of me?

I'm gonna love you more than anyone;
I'm gonna hold you closer than before.
And when I kiss your soul, your body be free;
I'll be free for you anytime.

I'm gonna love you more than anyone.

Look in my eyes, what do you see?
Not just the color,
Look inside of me.
Tell me all you need and
I will try, I will try.

I'm gonna love you more than anyone;
I'm gonna hold you closer than before.
And when I kiss your soul, your body'll be free
I'll be free for you anytime

I'm gonna to love you more than anyone.

Free for you, whenever you need.
We'll be free together, baby
Free together, baby

I'm gonna love you more than anyone;
I'm gonna hold you closer than before.
And when I kiss your soul, your body'll be free;
I'll be free for you anytime.
I'm gonna love you more than anyone.

I'm gonna love you more than anyone.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Atlanta Vacation-June 2009


The much anticipated Atlanta trip is over, and I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. I wanna go back...

The purpose of our trip was for the No Doubt concert, which was Friday night. It was me, my sister, and cousins Michelle and Jeffrey. Michelle and Jeff weren't going to the concert, but we were together the rest of the trip. We arrived in Atlanta around 5pm on Friday. Rested a little bit, then we were on our way. We got stuck in horrible traffic on the way to the concert. We missed the opening acts, which included Paramore. I heard them from the traffic, and it didn't sound too appealing, so I'm kinda glad we missed out =P

But they definetly saved the best for last. No Doubt was freakin over-the-top awesome!!! That whole group, esp Gwen, has so much energy it's crazy. It doesn't matter where you're sitting; it feels like you're right there with them. I was starving the whole time, but refused to pay 5 bucks for a hot dog lol. So at 1am, I ventured over to our hotel's little pantry to find some ramen soup or something. I ate $4.50 chef-boy-r-dee ravioli at 1am. Nice.

Saturday was our designated shopping day. We started our day off with the breakfast buffet downstairs at the hotel. *yum* Then we were on our way. Our first stop was Little Five Points. It's kind of Atlanta's version of Greenwich villiage ( I LOVED this place. There were so many neat shops! I was enchanted by all of the little vintage shops that sold clothes I would never be able to find anywhere else. So....I bought what I liked! During this trip, the most random part of our vacation occured. We walk out of one of the stores and there are a few HUNDRED people in the street, dressed in sari attire. One of them hands us a card and bag of trail mix (also, wonderfully random). We look at the card and it gives us information about Hare Krishna, which is what the parade was all about. The end of the parade line ended with this magnificent float-looking thing. It was really the best thing EVER. Definetly a cultural experience! I loved little 5 points because of the cultural atmosphere. I wanted to try out the ton of hole-in-the-wall restaurants that lined the streets.

After Little 5 Points was Atlantic Station. I wanted to go to H&M since we don't have one. It was a nice outdoor shopping center. We didn't spend too much time here, but thankfully I was able to do a significant amount of damage at H&M.

We then wandered over to Lenox mall. UMMMM>>>>Can I just say that I do believe this mall was built for someone like me?! 4 stories!! haha the others started joking that you need tennis shoes for this mall. I said you need a backpack filled with snacks LMAO. I did the most damage at Sephora. Man, that's my playground. :)

Saturday night there was a surprise bday party for our friend Cheryl. Best part? It was TWILIGHT themed!!!!!! You better believe I got excited. I even went to Target to find glitter. It didn't start till late, but I had a great time with everyone. Got to meet some new people, and then busted out the karaoke, just for Thea. The best part was being serenaded by the guys, with Outkast and MC Hammer, of course LOL.

Sunday, we started our day off at the Georgia Aquarium. Supposedly, it's the largest in the world. Because of all the hype, I guess I was expecting it to be just a tad bigger. Don't get me wrong, it was awesome and wayy bigger than the SC Aquarium.....but they didn't have any penguins! What's up with that?! After our tour of the aquarium, we had lunch at Johnny Rockets. This was my first time eating I ordered EVERYTHING haha. It was yummiful!! Snapped some pics at Centennial Park after that, then headed to Perimeter mall. I needed to do some last minute shopping before Church because I didn't like what I brought =P

Sunday night, after Church, we all headed over to Suno with our new friends! Suno was AWESOME. (Check it out: It's basically shaved ice cream that you can add all sorts of stuff to on top. And they have EVERYTHING. Although I didn't realize what I liked until after I ordered, I still liked what I got, and now I know what to get next time. I want Suno with mango, strawberry, and tapioca. YUMMM...makes me want to go back already! haha So, that was our last night in Atlanta =(

When we got back to the hotel, it was just a couple of minutes after 10. I really wanted to go swimming, but the pool sign said "closed at 10." I tried my luck and went in anyway...only to get kicked out a few minutes in hahahaha. Oh well. So, after lounging around in our room, we decided we were hungry again. Papa John's at midnight! LOL.

Monday morning we woke up early to finally go swimming (minus Jeff, cuz he wouldn't wake up). Then we got our stuff together and were on our way back home. I didn't like that idea.

All in all, this was the best trip I've taken in a while. I've been seriously pondering moving to Atlanta for some time, and this trip solidified my decision. Everything about that atmosphere felt welcoming, and I want to be a part of it. The people I met were absolutely wonderful, and I know they'll be a big help when I try to make the adjustment. I also love the city's vibe and all of the places to go.

I can't wait for what the future holds. =)

I really wanted to put pics in here, but alas, I'm lazy.

So look here:

Peace out!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I just watched the trailer for the New Moon movie...I can't wait!!!!!!!! OMG it's gonna be so good. I don't care if I'm a part of this hysteria over Edward Cullen. It's amazing, and I love it. LOL.

November, please hurry. Thanks.


I realized I've had that awesome bob haircut for a good 2 years now. As much as I love love love it, I needed a new look! So, I walked in to the salon, not knowing what I was going to do. I started flipping through the mags, and stumbled across a cute pixie cut. Well not AS short as a pixie, kinda grown-out I guess. Anyway, Chrisey was SO excited to cut my hair like that, so I let her have at it lol. I love it. It's a great cut. I'm glad I did it. BUT, it doesn't feel like "me." So, I'm going to grow it and grow it and grow it, and see where that takes me. Maybe back to long hair? We'll see!

New Initiative

So a few days ago I did some thinking...

What is it that's changed?

I've come to realize that I'm too easily affected by negative situations and negative people. It's too contagious. I'm not a negative person, but I begin to act like it when I'm around it too much.

New Initiative:

The only person that is allowed to bring me down is myself.
